Chances are not very long ago. With almost every login credential now requiring a unique password, it's hard to remember every one of them.
A new patent-pending technology developed by a firm called Byteseal now offers a unified authentication solution that can be used by organisations to manage their employees' credentials.
This includes a card-shaped portable device called Biometric AuthID that can communicate with the company's credential manager software that stores all the credentials associated with the organization securely in a private cloud network.
Biometric AuthID card (Photo credit: Byteseal)
The card comes with AES encryption, fingerprint scanner, Bluetooth 5.0 and a 250 mAh battery that the company claims will last up to 4-5 weeks on a single charge.
This card also doubles up as an employee ID if required.
"The product is first of its kind biometric password manager. Unlike other software-based password managers which store all your passwords with a single master password, the product offers a wireless, biometric-based interface for users to manage all their passwords with a tap of a fingerprint," said Nikhilesh Wani, Co-founder & CEO of Byteseal.
"The compact form factor of the product allows users to carry it with them everywhere they go," he added.
Here's how to use the device:
User has to install the free PC/mobile application provided by Byteseal
Create a profile, add passwords for the online accounts and enrol the fingerprint
He/she will be able to log into their online accounts with a tap of a fingerprint.
Such password-related security products seem to be the need of the hour. While a recent Gartner report estimated that almost 20 to 50 percent of the helpdesk calls to an organisation from its employees were for password resets, an APWG report revealed that a Q3, 2021 alone witnessed a total of 2,60,642 phishing attacks.
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